Hello friends today we are discussing different topics, weight bridge job related so Today topic is that’s What are the duties of a weighbridge operator?
Before you can joined weight bridge operator… Must be known that’s – minimum qualification H.S. pass.. and mandatory written English and redeing english..
And basic knowledge of computer 🖥️, like computer application software – ms word, ms Excel, and basic knowledge of internet 🛜.
And weighbridge operator selection process very easy but depending on your company or government sector..
So are you interested joining any public rode side weighbridge operator, then not to be face any interview or qualification.
but are you interested joining as a weighbridge operator for a government sector, then minimum qualification H.S. pass and qualify online Basia computer 🖥️ test, then interview process complete, after completing all proses then you final stage traing..
and basically weighbridge operator duites hour not fixed..
and your main work is truck 🚛 weight calculation thought on your weight bridge software🧮,
so please wait 🫸 i will explain step by step. When came any emply truck 🚒 that’s means tare weight or you can call 1st weight….
so after 1st weight complete this truck going on your warehouse…
and after completing truck load again came on weight bridge for weight management.
and when this load truck put on a weighbridge this means gross weight, otherwise you can call 2nd weight..
After completed 1st weight and 2nd weight all data save on your weighbridge software database..
but don’t ware how to use weighbridge software? already provided all information ℹ️ on trailing period
so basically your weighbridge operator duites is a – save all information about truck number, gross weight, tare weight and net weight, and goods related information.
and daily reports submit for your company manager and or senior persons.
its it so i hope today our discussion topic is a duite hour for a weighbridge operator.
so this article helpfull for you then please comment on below 👇 I lik this, and weighbridge related any query please asked me,… Via your contact us page 📄.