weighbridge automatic weight variation

hello my dear family so Today i will discuss Major problem weighbridge automatic weight variation, and how to fixed it step by step guide..

So basically at first identify why reason weighbridge automatic weight variation,

But remember have a many reasons weight variation, like ADC bord damage, indicator not properly working, otherwise AC voltage ⚡ up down.

but very common problem is loading cell damage.

so how to identify loadcell damaging, basically 2 way you can easily find out, no 1 malte metter thought check on loadcell Mili volte, and no 2 without malte metter you can check individually Singal signal loadcell with test weight..

So when you can check Singal signal loadcell with test weight. Then you can easily identify which number of loadcell damage.

because as any damage loadcell not showing proper weight and aromatic weight..

so i hope you can understand why reason face the issue.

and how to solve it the weight variation problem…

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