hello friends today I will be discussing how to check any weight bridge loadcell..
but if you don’t know what is a weighbridge, then i will tell you only little word, weight bridge a weight management system… For example show this images 👇

i hobe you are under standard watch this image…
Don’t worry i will explain what do mean this image. So this image means this truck puts on the weight bridge and weighbridge software catching the car weight, and weighbridge show the truck 🚒 weight used on loadcell, so without loading not possible show on digital weight..
and loadcell like on this image,

don’t worry this time defarent types of loadcell available on market, like bol loadcell, sharebim loadcell.
which type of loadcell mostly usable and helpful discuss on another article..
but now came to the point 👉how to check weight bridge loadcell
So i will tell you loadcell checking process is a very easy way..
Every type of loadcell mostly available 5 wire, 2 number’s of input activity and another 2 number of wire output activity and other 1 number of wire earthing, otherwise called signal (+,-) & extension (+,-)

Used multimeter and check on millivolts for loadcell on condition. Then your multimeter display show 0.1 to 1 millivolts then loadcell ok.
and second proses then check incidence used multiple.. so multiple one clip connect on your loadcell signal+ wire and multimeter another clip connect on your loadcell signal- wire..
this condition your multimeter display show 893 then is normal..
and similar condition using multimeter measurement incidence on your loadcell and this case extension +,- if show 450 then is a normal..
and if you want to be know how to identify loadcell which wire extension +,- or which wire signal +,-. Then read your loadcell company documents..
Otherwise contact your loadcell company, this company provides loadcell diagram which colour code…
I hope friends this article helpfull on how to check any types of loadcell damage or not..
and are really interested know that why reason 99% loadcell damaging. So now comments on this article…
and if you any need regarding weighbridge ar weight bridge software then please asked..
and contact me via on mail 💌 connect my mail visiting my contact US page…